New Year, New Life

New Year, New Life

The last couple of years have been wild.

I graduated from the University of Portsmouth with a First Class degree in Film Studies BA (Hons), and with Distinction in MA Media and Communication, fell head first into CCP’s latest mobile game, and made some massive decisions about the way I play EVE online.

EVE Galaxy Conquest

EVE Galaxy Conquest was great for the first few weeks. Although our server was dominated by a single corp and we spent the whole time running from them, I was having a blast. When the server wipe and full launch happened, it was just the same story on a different server. Not enough had been done to prevent the oppression a single corp could generate, and I lost interest in the game as quickly as I had found it.

The Tier List I created was by far the most popular content – I spreadsheeted all of the ships and commanders with their stats so they could be compared and people could theorycraft their fleets more effectively. The trouble with this type of content is that it quickly becomes outdated as the game evolves. Features are reworked, stats are tweaked, and the useful information becomes misinformation. For this reason, I have pulled all of the EVE Galaxy Conquest content from

I will not return to EGC, in fact, it’s not even installed on my iPad anymore.

A change of pace

Since returning to EVE I have made my money on the markets, with close to 100b in escrow at any one time, but since returning from University I found that my free time was suddenly consumed by PvE activities and was borderlining on unhealthy gameplay.

Do I continue down a self-destructive path I had walked before, or do I find a compromise so I may continue to enjoy the game? Obviously, I have chosen the latter. I now have a near-perfect Redeemer and Dread pilot, a carrier and FAX pilot, and in just a few short days I’ll be the proud owner of my very first Titan. With PLEX prices as high as they are, what’s a few hours overtime to fund a few extra ships to welp?

Essentially becoming a ping chaser means I have more time to write and more time to do other things than “just EVE”. I am keen to return to producing EVE-related content at my own pace and already have some ideas bouncing around.

The website may be rebuilt from scratch, with old content reposted. I still need to figure out the details. But instead of completely stepping away from this project, I am keen to invest more time into it in the new year.

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