EVE Online Industry Formula
EVE Online Industry Formula

EVE Online Industry Formula

This is an (incomplete) list of EVE Online Industry Formula. They have been adapted for quick copy/paste use in Google Sheets from the widely shared (but now partially outdated) list at https://eve-industry.org/export/IndustryFormulas.pdf.

Within each formula, the italic words should be replaced by their appropriate value/calculation.

The formula is transferrable between Google sheets and Microsoft Excel, though it will require some alterations with how Google Sheets handles brackets and name their functions. i.e Google Sheets =CEILING() whereas Microsoft Excel =CEIL().

I have not experimented with some industry activities, such as invention. As such, I will not provide an updated formula for these incase I get them wrong. I plan to do a bit of everything at some point or another, so will update this post as I go with new formula. If you have any formula you think need to be in the list, or are slapping your head because you know a simple formula to get around some of my MacGyvered methods, please get in touch in-game!

Required Materials
required =MAX(runs,CEILING(ROUND(runs*baseQuantity*(1-ME%),2)))

ME% =(1-(1-structureRole%)*(1-structureModifier%)*(1-blueprintME%))

structureModifier = (rig%*securityMultiplier)

Example Usage:

2,124,461 Units of Tritanium are required for 100 runs of a Venture in a Sotiyo, located in null sec, rigged with a T1 rig and a 0% ME blueprint.

Production Time
productionTime =baseProductionTime*TE%*(1-t2Skill)*runs

TE% =((1-blueprintTE%)*(1-structureRole%)*(1-structureModifier%)*(1-industrySkill%)*(1-advancedIndustrySkill%)*(1-implant%))

structureModifier =(rig%*securityMultiplier)

industrySkill% =(0.04*industrySkillLevel)

advancedIndustrySkill% =(0.03*advancedIndustrySkillLevel)

Production time is calculated in seconds, and should only be converted to d:hh:mm:ss for visual display after the final calculation.

Example Usage:

359,040 seconds = 4d 3h 44m for 100 ventures at 59.84% reduction
59.84% = 0% blueprint, 15% structure role (Raitaru), 0% structure modifier (no TE rig), 20% industry skill (level 5), 12% advanced industry skill (level 4), 0% implant (no implant).

Job (Installation) Costs

Tax is calculated from the Estimated Items Value (EIV). The EIV is the adjusted value of all base input materials before blueprint, skill, and facility bonuses are considered (the values you see under required input materials in the industry tab when you show info on a blueprint).

The system cost index displayed in game and called via API is rounded to two decimal places, but the value used in the calculation in-game is not. To get the exact system cost index, simulate a large industry job and mouse-over the job cost to see a break-down of the cost. Divide the displayed system cost index ISK value by the displayed EIV value (Figure 1).

totalJobCost =grossCost+facilityTax

grossCost =ROUNDDOWN(EIV*systemCostIndex*(1-structureRole%))

facilityTax =ROUNDDOWN(EIV*(facilityTax+sccSurcharge))

EIV =SUM(baseQuantity*adjustedPrice*runs)

Example Usage:

System Cost Index = 7,865,629/174,085,539 = 4.51825524692203% 4.52%

EVE Online Industry Formula - Job Installation Costs
Figure 1
Job Slot Consideration

If you want to be exact with your calculations – to the exact number of required materials for your total build – you must calculate your build requirements based on the job slots you will be using because you cannot start a job if the last run in the job starts after 30 days (2,592,000 seconds). This will increase the required input materials by a small amount. A simplified example to help you picture this is you how you cannot subtract 5% from an input requirement of 5, but you can subtract 5% from 500. This is more of a concern when minmaxing your production line.

To achieve these calculations, some steps are required to calculate a few different values: How many of the final product we require (requiredQTY); the maximum number of runs we can submit (maxRuns); how many job slots we need to achieve requiredQTY (jobSlots); the duration of a single run including any time efficiencty reductions (singleDuration); the remaining amount of job runs (remainingRuns).

jobSlots =ROUNDUP(requiredQTY/maxRuns)

maxRuns =ROUNDUP(2592000/singlerunDuration)

remainingRuns =(ROUND(maxRuns*(IF(ISNUMBER(unclean),TEXT(unclean-INT(unclean),"0.#######"),"Invalid Number")))
unclean =requiredQTY/maxRuns

With this data we can calculate how many job slots are required and how many job runs are requried for each job slot. The remainingRuns formula extracts the decimal value from dividing the requiredQTY by maxRuns.

Now that we know the number of job slots, and job runs per job slot, we can alter our Required Materials calculations to calculate the job runs for each max job run and then the remaining job without maximum runs. For example, if you have 2 jobs at 63 and 1 at 5, instead of setting the QTY to 131, you set it to 63, multiply that result by 2, then add the same formula to the result, but instead of a QTY of 63, set it to a QTY of 5. The difference is minute for large runs, but there is a difference.


Reprocessing tax in NPC stations is by default 5% of the adjusted value of the output materials from reprocessing. The effective standing towards the NPC Corp who own the NPC Station lowers this to 0% at effective standing 6.67. There may be better ways to write this formula, but I perform a simple vlookup to the table (Appendix 1). The IFERROR functions to return 0.00% if the effective standing is greater than 6.67. See Appendix 2 for an example of standings and reprocessing tax for each major trade hub.

Reprocessing Tax =SUM(adjustedOutput)*Tax

Tax =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(effectiveStanding+(10-baseStanding)*(4%*(connectionsSkill),2)

baseStanding = the base standing towards the NPC corporation who owns the NPC station

connectionsSkill = the skill level (1-5) of the Connections skill.

Brokerage Fee (NPC Station)

With skills and standings, it is possible reduce brokerage fees to as little as 1% in NPC stations. Achieving 1% requires significant time investment, but below 2% can be achieved easily. You can see an example in Appendix 2, or in this article: https://www.nosympathy.space/market-standings-guide

Brokerage Fee = 3%-(0.3%*brokerRelationsSkill)-(0.03%*baseFactionStanding)-(0.02%*baseCorpStanding)

brokerRelationsSkill = the skill level (0-5) of the Broker Relations skill.

baseFactionStanding = the base standing towards the NPC Faction the NPC Corp station is aligned to.

baseCorpStanding = the base standing towards the NPC Corp who owns the NPC station.

Market Faction Corporation
Jita Caldari State Caldari Navy
Amarr Amarr Empire Emperor Family
Rens Minmatar Republic Brutor Tribe
Hek Boundless Creation
Dodixie Gallente Federation Federation Navy

Appendix 1. Standings Lookup

This table lists each value between and including 0.00 and 6.67 (3 significant figures). There are 668 values. We know 0.00 is 5% and 6.67 is 0.00%. To learn the percentage amount to reduce the value by in each row of column 2, we perform a simple calculation in each cell: ROUND(0.05/668,7).

Standings vlookup (Click to Expand)
0.00 5%
0.01 4.99%
0.02 4.99%
0.03 4.98%
0.04 4.97%
0.05 4.96%
0.06 4.96%
0.07 4.95%
0.08 4.94%
0.09 4.93%
0.10 4.93%
0.11 4.92%
0.12 4.91%
0.13 4.90%
0.14 4.90%
0.15 4.89%
0.16 4.88%
0.17 4.87%
0.18 4.87%
0.19 4.86%
0.20 4.85%
0.21 4.84%
0.22 4.84%
0.23 4.83%
0.24 4.82%
0.25 4.81%
0.26 4.81%
0.27 4.80%
0.28 4.79%
0.29 4.78%
0.30 4.78%
0.31 4.77%
0.32 4.76%
0.33 4.75%
0.34 4.75%
0.35 4.74%
0.36 4.73%
0.37 4.72%
0.38 4.72%
0.39 4.71%
0.40 4.70%
0.41 4.69%
0.42 4.69%
0.43 4.68%
0.44 4.67%
0.45 4.66%
0.46 4.66%
0.47 4.65%
0.48 4.64%
0.49 4.63%
0.50 4.63%
0.51 4.62%
0.52 4.61%
0.53 4.60%
0.54 4.60%
0.55 4.59%
0.56 4.58%
0.57 4.57%
0.58 4.57%
0.59 4.56%
0.60 4.55%
0.61 4.54%
0.62 4.54%
0.63 4.53%
0.64 4.52%
0.65 4.51%
0.66 4.51%
0.67 4.50%
0.68 4.49%
0.69 4.48%
0.70 4.48%
0.71 4.47%
0.72 4.46%
0.73 4.45%
0.74 4.45%
0.75 4.44%
0.76 4.43%
0.77 4.42%
0.78 4.42%
0.79 4.41%
0.80 4.40%
0.81 4.39%
0.82 4.39%
0.83 4.38%
0.84 4.37%
0.85 4.36%
0.86 4.36%
0.87 4.35%
0.88 4.34%
0.89 4.33%
0.90 4.33%
0.91 4.32%
0.92 4.31%
0.93 4.30%
0.94 4.30%
0.95 4.29%
0.96 4.28%
0.97 4.27%
0.98 4.27%
0.99 4.26%
1.00 4.25%
1.01 4.24%
1.02 4.24%
1.03 4.23%
1.04 4.22%
1.05 4.21%
1.06 4.21%
1.07 4.20%
1.08 4.19%
1.09 4.18%
1.10 4.18%
1.11 4.17%
1.12 4.16%
1.13 4.15%
1.14 4.15%
1.15 4.14%
1.16 4.13%
1.17 4.12%
1.18 4.12%
1.19 4.11%
1.20 4.10%
1.21 4.09%
1.22 4.09%
1.23 4.08%
1.24 4.07%
1.25 4.06%
1.26 4.06%
1.27 4.05%
1.28 4.04%
1.29 4.03%
1.30 4.03%
1.31 4.02%
1.32 4.01%
1.33 4.00%
1.34 4.00%
1.35 3.99%
1.36 3.98%
1.37 3.97%
1.38 3.97%
1.39 3.96%
1.40 3.95%
1.41 3.94%
1.42 3.94%
1.43 3.93%
1.44 3.92%
1.45 3.91%
1.46 3.91%
1.47 3.90%
1.48 3.89%
1.49 3.88%
1.50 3.88%
1.51 3.87%
1.52 3.86%
1.53 3.85%
1.54 3.85%
1.55 3.84%
1.56 3.83%
1.57 3.82%
1.58 3.82%
1.59 3.81%
1.60 3.80%
1.61 3.79%
1.62 3.79%
1.63 3.78%
1.64 3.77%
1.65 3.76%
1.66 3.76%
1.67 3.75%
1.68 3.74%
1.69 3.73%
1.70 3.73%
1.71 3.72%
1.72 3.71%
1.73 3.70%
1.74 3.70%
1.75 3.69%
1.76 3.68%
1.77 3.67%
1.78 3.67%
1.79 3.66%
1.80 3.65%
1.81 3.64%
1.82 3.64%
1.83 3.63%
1.84 3.62%
1.85 3.61%
1.86 3.61%
1.87 3.60%
1.88 3.59%
1.89 3.58%
1.90 3.58%
1.91 3.57%
1.92 3.56%
1.93 3.55%
1.94 3.55%
1.95 3.54%
1.96 3.53%
1.97 3.52%
1.98 3.52%
1.99 3.51%
2.00 3.50%
2.01 3.49%
2.02 3.49%
2.03 3.48%
2.04 3.47%
2.05 3.46%
2.06 3.46%
2.07 3.45%
2.08 3.44%
2.09 3.43%
2.10 3.43%
2.11 3.42%
2.12 3.41%
2.13 3.40%
2.14 3.40%
2.15 3.39%
2.16 3.38%
2.17 3.37%
2.18 3.37%
2.19 3.36%
2.20 3.35%
2.21 3.34%
2.22 3.34%
2.23 3.33%
2.24 3.32%
2.25 3.31%
2.26 3.31%
2.27 3.30%
2.28 3.29%
2.29 3.28%
2.30 3.28%
2.31 3.27%
2.32 3.26%
2.33 3.25%
2.34 3.25%
2.35 3.24%
2.36 3.23%
2.37 3.22%
2.38 3.22%
2.39 3.21%
2.40 3.20%
2.41 3.19%
2.42 3.19%
2.43 3.18%
2.44 3.17%
2.45 3.16%
2.46 3.16%
2.47 3.15%
2.48 3.14%
2.49 3.13%
2.50 3.13%
2.51 3.12%
2.52 3.11%
2.53 3.11%
2.54 3.10%
2.55 3.09%
2.56 3.08%
2.57 3.08%
2.58 3.07%
2.59 3.06%
2.60 3.05%
2.61 3.05%
2.62 3.04%
2.63 3.03%
2.64 3.02%
2.65 3.02%
2.66 3.01%
2.67 3.00%
2.68 2.99%
2.69 2.99%
2.70 2.98%
2.71 2.97%
2.72 2.96%
2.73 2.96%
2.74 2.95%
2.75 2.94%
2.76 2.93%
2.77 2.93%
2.78 2.92%
2.79 2.91%
2.80 2.90%
2.81 2.90%
2.82 2.89%
2.83 2.88%
2.84 2.87%
2.85 2.87%
2.86 2.86%
2.87 2.85%
2.88 2.84%
2.89 2.84%
2.90 2.83%
2.91 2.82%
2.92 2.81%
2.93 2.81%
2.94 2.80%
2.95 2.79%
2.96 2.78%
2.97 2.78%
2.98 2.77%
2.99 2.76%
3.00 2.75%
3.01 2.75%
3.02 2.74%
3.03 2.73%
3.04 2.72%
3.05 2.72%
3.06 2.71%
3.07 2.70%
3.08 2.69%
3.09 2.69%
3.10 2.68%
3.11 2.67%
3.12 2.66%
3.13 2.66%
3.14 2.65%
3.15 2.64%
3.16 2.63%
3.17 2.63%
3.18 2.62%
3.19 2.61%
3.20 2.60%
3.21 2.60%
3.22 2.59%
3.23 2.58%
3.24 2.57%
3.25 2.57%
3.26 2.56%
3.27 2.55%
3.28 2.54%
3.29 2.54%
3.30 2.53%
3.31 2.52%
3.32 2.51%
3.33 2.51%
3.34 2.50%
3.35 2.49%
3.36 2.48%
3.37 2.48%
3.38 2.47%
3.39 2.46%
3.40 2.45%
3.41 2.45%
3.42 2.44%
3.43 2.43%
3.44 2.42%
3.45 2.42%
3.46 2.41%
3.47 2.40%
3.48 2.39%
3.49 2.39%
3.50 2.38%
3.51 2.37%
3.52 2.36%
3.53 2.36%
3.54 2.35%
3.55 2.34%
3.56 2.33%
3.57 2.33%
3.58 2.32%
3.59 2.31%
3.60 2.30%
3.61 2.30%
3.62 2.29%
3.63 2.28%
3.64 2.27%
3.65 2.27%
3.66 2.26%
3.67 2.25%
3.68 2.24%
3.69 2.24%
3.70 2.23%
3.71 2.22%
3.72 2.21%
3.73 2.21%
3.74 2.20%
3.75 2.19%
3.76 2.18%
3.77 2.18%
3.78 2.17%
3.79 2.16%
3.80 2.15%
3.81 2.15%
3.82 2.14%
3.83 2.13%
3.84 2.12%
3.85 2.12%
3.86 2.11%
3.87 2.10%
3.88 2.09%
3.89 2.09%
3.90 2.08%
3.91 2.07%
3.92 2.06%
3.93 2.06%
3.94 2.05%
3.95 2.04%
3.96 2.03%
3.97 2.03%
3.98 2.02%
3.99 2.01%
4.00 2.00%
4.01 2.00%
4.02 1.99%
4.03 1.98%
4.04 1.97%
4.05 1.97%
4.06 1.96%
4.07 1.95%
4.08 1.94%
4.09 1.94%
4.10 1.93%
4.11 1.92%
4.12 1.91%
4.13 1.91%
4.14 1.90%
4.15 1.89%
4.16 1.88%
4.17 1.88%
4.18 1.87%
4.19 1.86%
4.20 1.85%
4.21 1.85%
4.22 1.84%
4.23 1.83%
4.24 1.82%
4.25 1.82%
4.26 1.81%
4.27 1.80%
4.28 1.79%
4.29 1.79%
4.30 1.78%
4.31 1.77%
4.32 1.76%
4.33 1.76%
4.34 1.75%
4.35 1.74%
4.36 1.73%
4.37 1.73%
4.38 1.72%
4.39 1.71%
4.40 1.70%
4.41 1.70%
4.42 1.69%
4.43 1.68%
4.44 1.67%
4.45 1.67%
4.46 1.66%
4.47 1.65%
4.48 1.64%
4.49 1.64%
4.50 1.63%
4.51 1.62%
4.52 1.61%
4.53 1.61%
4.54 1.60%
4.55 1.59%
4.56 1.58%
4.57 1.58%
4.58 1.57%
4.59 1.56%
4.60 1.55%
4.61 1.55%
4.62 1.54%
4.63 1.53%
4.64 1.52%
4.65 1.52%
4.66 1.51%
4.67 1.50%
4.68 1.49%
4.69 1.49%
4.70 1.48%
4.71 1.47%
4.72 1.46%
4.73 1.46%
4.74 1.45%
4.75 1.44%
4.76 1.43%
4.77 1.43%
4.78 1.42%
4.79 1.41%
4.80 1.40%
4.81 1.40%
4.82 1.39%
4.83 1.38%
4.84 1.37%
4.85 1.37%
4.86 1.36%
4.87 1.35%
4.88 1.34%
4.89 1.34%
4.90 1.33%
4.91 1.32%
4.92 1.31%
4.93 1.31%
4.94 1.30%
4.95 1.29%
4.96 1.28%
4.97 1.28%
4.98 1.27%
4.99 1.26%
5.00 1.25%
5.01 1.25%
5.02 1.24%
5.03 1.23%
5.04 1.23%
5.05 1.22%
5.06 1.21%
5.07 1.20%
5.08 1.20%
5.09 1.19%
5.10 1.18%
5.11 1.17%
5.12 1.17%
5.13 1.16%
5.14 1.15%
5.15 1.14%
5.16 1.14%
5.17 1.13%
5.18 1.12%
5.19 1.11%
5.20 1.11%
5.21 1.10%
5.22 1.09%
5.23 1.08%
5.24 1.08%
5.25 1.07%
5.26 1.06%
5.27 1.05%
5.28 1.05%
5.29 1.04%
5.30 1.03%
5.31 1.02%
5.32 1.02%
5.33 1.01%
5.34 1.00%
5.35 0.99%
5.36 0.99%
5.37 0.98%
5.38 0.97%
5.39 0.96%
5.40 0.96%
5.41 0.95%
5.42 0.94%
5.43 0.93%
5.44 0.93%
5.45 0.92%
5.46 0.91%
5.47 0.90%
5.48 0.90%
5.49 0.89%
5.50 0.88%
5.51 0.87%
5.52 0.87%
5.53 0.86%
5.54 0.85%
5.55 0.84%
5.56 0.84%
5.57 0.83%
5.58 0.82%
5.59 0.81%
5.60 0.81%
5.61 0.80%
5.62 0.79%
5.63 0.78%
5.64 0.78%
5.65 0.77%
5.66 0.76%
5.67 0.75%
5.68 0.75%
5.69 0.74%
5.70 0.73%
5.71 0.72%
5.72 0.72%
5.73 0.71%
5.74 0.70%
5.75 0.69%
5.76 0.69%
5.77 0.68%
5.78 0.67%
5.79 0.66%
5.80 0.66%
5.81 0.65%
5.82 0.64%
5.83 0.63%
5.84 0.63%
5.85 0.62%
5.86 0.61%
5.87 0.60%
5.88 0.60%
5.89 0.59%
5.90 0.58%
5.91 0.57%
5.92 0.57%
5.93 0.56%
5.94 0.55%
5.95 0.54%
5.96 0.54%
5.97 0.53%
5.98 0.52%
5.99 0.51%
6.00 0.51%
6.01 0.50%
6.02 0.49%
6.03 0.48%
6.04 0.48%
6.05 0.47%
6.06 0.46%
6.07 0.45%
6.08 0.45%
6.09 0.44%
6.10 0.43%
6.11 0.42%
6.12 0.42%
6.13 0.41%
6.14 0.40%
6.15 0.39%
6.16 0.39%
6.17 0.38%
6.18 0.37%
6.19 0.36%
6.20 0.36%
6.21 0.35%
6.22 0.34%
6.23 0.33%
6.24 0.33%
6.25 0.32%
6.26 0.31%
6.27 0.30%
6.28 0.30%
6.29 0.29%
6.30 0.28%
6.31 0.27%
6.32 0.27%
6.33 0.26%
6.34 0.25%
6.35 0.24%
6.36 0.24%
6.37 0.23%
6.38 0.22%
6.39 0.21%
6.40 0.21%
6.41 0.20%
6.42 0.19%
6.43 0.18%
6.44 0.18%
6.45 0.17%
6.46 0.16%
6.47 0.15%
6.48 0.15%
6.49 0.14%
6.50 0.13%
6.51 0.12%
6.52 0.12%
6.53 0.11%
6.54 0.10%
6.55 0.09%
6.56 0.09%
6.57 0.08%
6.58 0.07%
6.59 0.06%
6.60 0.06%
6.61 0.05%
6.62 0.04%
6.63 0.03%
6.64 0.03%
6.65 0.02%
6.66 0.01%
6.67 0.00%

Appendix 2. Market standings and Reprocessing Tax. The user inputs their base standings in the green cells and skill data elsewhere and the spreadsheet calculates the rest.

EVE Online Industry Formula - NPC Standings
EVE Online Industry Formula – NPC Standings
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