EVE Galaxy Conquest Manual

EVE Galaxy Conquest Game Manual

The in game manual is hidden behind various menus. The translation into English isn’t perfect, and some of the information is out of date to the current game version. I have spent the time to correct some words or phrases and even add clarity to certain areas.

OverviewRecommendationDifficulty levelTerritoryResourcesFleetsCombatFleet BonusMapCorporationGalactic LegendDangerous EncountersSeason


Capture Resource Grids near your Headquarters, upgrade your Headquarters and make your Fleets more powerful.

Cooperate with corp members to capture Citadels in your region, or navigate to low-sec to seize control of rich Resource.

Coorperate with corp members to navigate to null-sec.

Capture the lv. 10 Station “Singularity Institute” together with your corp members to become Dominance of the Season.

DON’T PANiC if you don’t have these Commanders. The key is to match Commanders and Ships of the same Formation and then Race, but also to match Commanders whose Talents compliment the Ship Traits and Modules.


Algos, Karin, Paladin Crusader


Gila, Cerb, Santimona


Omen, Faus, Kezti Sundra


Catalyst, Viola, Cerb


Griffin, Otro Gariushi, Mila


Rifter, Karth Mutana, Vlad Kintreb


Stormbringer, Jonas, Santimona


Commander lv. 1, recommended to capture with a Fleet with full Squad capacity.

Lv. 1~2

Commander lv. 3, capture as many lv. 1~2 Grids as you can until your Commander reaches lv.5.

Lv. 3

Commander lv.5, return the Fleet to the Headquarters to replenish to full Squad capacity.

Enhance: Assign the 2nd Commander to the Fleet. Upgrade Commander Talents and Ship Modules to at least lv. 3.

Objectives: Capture lv. 3 Grids that are countered by your Fleet Formation, or default lv. 3 Guristas Pirates until your Commander reaches lv.10.

Recon: Recon on lv. 4 Grids near the Headquarters while capturing Grids, Bookmark lv. 4 Grids that can be countered by your Fleet Formationto prepare for the next stage.

Lv. 4

Commander lv. 10, return the Fleet to Headquarters.

Enhance: Replenish your Fleet to full Squad capacity. Unlock the 2nd Talent slot for the Lead Commander and upgrade Commander Talents and Ship Modules to at least lv. 5.

Objectives: Capture lv. 4 Grids that is countered by your Fleet Formation, or defeat lv. 4 Guristas Pirates until your Commander reaches lv. 20.

Recon: Recon on lv. 5 Grids near the Headquarters while capturing Grids.

Lv. 5

Commander lv. 20, return the Fleet to Headquarters and replenish to full Squad capacity.

Enhance: Upgrade as many Talent levels as you can for all Commanders and unlock the 2nd Talent slot for Deputy Commander and the 2nd Module slot for Ships. Upgrade average level of Ship Modules to lv. 8.

Objectives: Capture lv. 5 Grids that is countered by your Fleet Formation, or defeat lv. 5 Guristas Pirates until your Commander reaches lv. 40. Abandon low level Grids if you have reached the max limit of Grids .

Recon: Recon on lv. 6 Grids near the Headquarters when your Commander has reached lv. 29.

Lv. 6.

Commander lv. 30, return the Fleet to Headquarters and replenish to full Squad capacity.

Enhance: Upgrade as many Talent levels as you can for all Commanders and unlock the 3rd Talent slot for Deputy Commander and the 3rd Module slot for Ships. Upgrade Ship Modules to an average of lv. 10.

Objectives: Capture lv. 6 Grids that are countered by your Fleet Formation. It is recommended to prioritized capturing Ice, Ore, Gas and Alloy Grids each to ensure all Resources can be produced from lv. 6 Grids. Capture lv. 6 Grids or defeat lv. 6 Guristas Pirates until your Commander reaches lv. 35.

You have successfully completed your initial objectives when you are able to capture lv. 6 Grids. Now you can engage in Corporation events to capture Stations or Stargates and enjoy the pleasure of teamwork.

Lv. 7.

Commander lv. 35, return the Fleet to Headquarters and replenish to full Squad capacity.

Enhance: Upgrade as many Talent levels as you can for all Commanders and upgrade Ship Modules to an average of lv. 11.

Objectives: Capture lv. 7 Grids that are countered by your Fleet Formation. It is recommended to prioritize capturing Ice, Ore, Gas and Alloy Grids each to ensure all Resources can be produced from lv. 7 Grids. Capture lv. 7 Grids or defeat lv. 7 Guristas Pirates until your Commander reaches lv. 40.

Lv. 8.

Commander lv. 40, return the Fleet to Headquarters and replenish to full Squad capacity.

Enhance: Upgrade as many Talent levels as you can for all Commanders and upgrade Ship Modules to an average of lv. 12.

Objectives: Capture lv. 8 Grids that are countered by your Fleet Formation. It is recommended to prioritize capturing Ice, Ore, Gas, and Alloy Grids each to ensure all Resources can be produced from lv. 8 Grids. Capture lv. 8 Grids or defeat lv. 8 Guristas Pirates until your Commander reaches lv. 40.

Lv. 9.


Lv. 9 Grids have powerful defenders so it is recommended to send 2 Fleets to capture:

1st Fleet: Commander lv. 45, return the Fleet to the Headquarters and replenish to full Squad capacity.

Enhance: Upgrade as many talent levels as you can for all Commanders and upgrade Ship Modules to an average of lv. 13. Try your best to unlock the 4th Module slot for Ships.

2nd Fleet: Commander lv. 40.

Objectives: Capture lv. 9 Grids that are countered by your Fleet Formation. It is recommended to prioritize capturing Ice, Ore, Gas and Alloy Grids each to ensure all Resources can be produced from lv. 9 Grids. Capture lv. 9 Grids or defeat lv. 9 Guristas Pirates until your Commander reaches lv. 50.

Lv. 10.


Lv. 10 Grids have powerful defenders so it is recommended to send 3 Fleets to capture:

1st Fleet: Commander lv. 50, return the Fleet to the Headquarters and replenish to full suqad capacity.

Enhance: Upgrade as many Talent levels as you can for all Commanders and upgrade Ship Modules to an average of lv. 14.

2nd/3rd Fleet: Commander lv. 45

Objectives: Capture lv. 10 Grids that are countered by your Fleet Formation. It is recommended to prioritize capturing Ice, Ore, Gas and Alloy Grids each to ensure all Resources can be produced from lv. 10 Grids.


The Grids you have captured on the map are your territories. Your territoy includes your captured voids and lv. 1-10 Grids.

Tap on any uncaptured Grid on the Star Map and issue the “Capture” command to send a Fleet to capture it. After winning the fight on the Grid, it will automatically capture the Grid after three minutes. The capture time at the novice stage is only 1 minute and 30 seconds.

The Fleet will capture adjacent Grids one after another without returning to the Headquarters.

Abandoning Territory

Tap on any Grid that has been captured and for which the invulnerability timer has expired. Newly captured Grids have a 30-minutes invulneratbility timer. During the invulnerability itmer, the Grid cannot be abandoned or captured by others.

After selecting the Grid, tap “X” to start abandoning territory. After 10 minutes, the Grid will be successfully abandoned.

Grids which have been Developed or Constructed on will take 60 minutes to abandon.

You can cancel the abandonment at any time during the abandoment process.

If you have captured the maximum number of Grids , you can abandon low-level Grids and capture higher level Grids instead to increase Resource production.

Territory Overview

Tap the Resource bar on top of the screen to enter Grids Overview, where you can filter and manage all your territories and structures.


Authority determines the maximum number of Grids you can capture. Increasing Authority increases the territory limit. For every 100 Authority points, increase maximum territories by 1.

You can gain Authority by completing Missions with Authority Rewards.

After creating a character, your Authority will naturally increase over time (offline time inclusive) by 10 points every hour.


Influence is a symbol of your strength. It can be increased by capturing high-level Grids , constructing personal structures, and so on.

You can view your influence on the top of the screen.

Territory influence

Level 0 Grid +3
Level 1 Grid +10
Level 2 Grid +20
Level 3 Grid +40
Level 4 Grid +60
Level 5 Grid +160
Level 6 Grid +200
Level 7 Grid +250
Level 8 Grid +300
Level 9 Grid +350
Level 10 Grid +400

Structure Influence

Weapon Battery +50
Disruptive Field +20
Sub-Station +1000
Maintenance Array +20
Trade Hub +200
Harvest Array +200
Port +200
Inventory +200
Booster Array +200

The Influence of personal structures such as Trade Hubs, Harvest Arrays, Ports, Silos, and Booster Arrays increase with their level. The Influence gradations for Levels 1-5 are 200, 300, 400, 500, and 600.


Resources are the cornerstone of your development in this universe. Different Resources have different functions, but they can all serve to further your strength.

The most valuable Resources in early stages are the basic Resources used for shipbuilding and upgrading structure levels: Ices, Ores, Gases, and Alloys.

In the early stages of the game, Resource production is limited, so you mainly rely on Resources from Mission Rewards. This means it is best to upgrade Headquarters structures by following Mission guidelines to obtain Mission Rewards.

In addition to following Mission guidelines, you also need to capture as many high-level Grids as possible. Capturing high-level territories gives Commanders a lot more experience than capturing low-level territory, and Resource production is also greatly increased. Being persistent in efforts to take high-level territory is also an important way for you to grow power in early stages of the game.

Tap on a Grid on the Star Map to view its level, Resource type, Resource output, Garrison strength, and other details, and then use your Fleet’s power to take it.

The maximum storage capacity for regular Resources is limited by the level of the Vault in the Headquarters. Raising the Vault levels increases the maximum storage capacity for regular resources.

We recommend that you selectively capture resource areas based on their scarcity. For example, Alloys are most scarce in the early stage, so you should try to capture as many high-level Alloy Grids as possible.

The number of Action Points that can be obtained each day is limited. We recommend Mining on your captured Grids with the highest level and Resource scarcity.

Resources are produced normally during maintenance outages.

Basic Resources

The output of Ice, Ore, Gas and Alloy can be increased by capturing high-level Grids and upgrading Headquarters structures.

Joining a Corporation provides a large Resource production bonus. The more Stations/Stargates your Corporation captures, the higher the bonus you receive.

Among them, Ice, Ore, and Gas can be used to manufacture Components. Ice, Ore and alloy can be used to construct Headquarters structures, peronal structures, and so on. You can obtain huge amount of basic Resources by Mining.

How to obtain

Automatically generated over time.

You’ll get bountiful Resources by Mining on your or your corp member’s high level Grids . There’s a limit on Mining attempts. It automatically recovers 5 attempts per day, up to a maximum of 10.

Complete Missions to get Resource Rewards.


There are three types of currencies: Quantum Kredits, Nova Kredits, and ISK. ISK production can be increase in the same manner of basic Resources.

ISK can be used for things like store purchases, combat simulations, and Ship Module upgrades.

Quantum Kredits can be converted into Nova Kredits, but Nova Kredits cannot be converted into Quantum Kredits.

Nova Kredits can be used in recruitment, purchasing items from the Store, purchasing Action Points, or extra ISK Levy.

How to obtain

ISK is automatically generated over time based on the ISK production rate. You can increase ISK production by capturing Resorts and constructing Banks. You can claim the ISK Levy once per day and pay Nova Kredits to double it up to three times per day to get additional ISK.

Nova Kredits can be aquired from Rewards of in-game events or converted from Quantum Kredits.

You can buy Quantum Kredits form the store.

Action Points

Action Points can be used for things like building personal structures and pirate incursions.

One Action Point is naturally geenrated every hour.

You can spend Nova Kredits to purchase 3 Action Points up to three times a day.

Action Points are a limited Resource, and you should plan your activities accordingly. (Such as being able to build an outpost for your fleets joining a Corporation Rally).


Tap your Headquarters on the Map and tap the Hangar, where you can configure your Fleets.

When editing a Fleet for the first time, tap the plus sign below the unit list on the right side of the main interface to go to the Fleet editing page.


Tap your Headquarters on the Map and tap the Assembly Array where you can start manufacturing Components. The Assembly Array must first be constructed, and the ability to construct it is unlocked at Headquarters lv. 3.

Manufacturing Components requires Ice, Ore and Gas, but not Alloy.

You can manufacture Components at any time as long as you have enough Resources. Fleet actions will not be affected by manufacturing Components.

You cannot manufacture Components if you have insufficient Ice, Ore or Gas.


The Capacitor affects the power of the Fleet. Lower Capacitor reduces the attack and defense of your Fleet. Your Fleet’s maximum Capacitor storage is 100, which can be increased to 120 by building the Capacitor Laboratory.

Capacitor decreases by 1 for every Grid the Fleet travels.

Capacitor recovers by 0.5 every idle minute and will be fully recovered upon returning to the Headquarters or Outpost.

You can view the Capacitor of the sleected Fleet by tapping the target Fleet in the Fleet list on right side of the screen.


Every time a Fleet command, such as “Capture”, is issued, the Commander’s Stamina will be consumed. If any Commander in the Fleet lacks Stamina, the Fleet will enter a state of fatigue and be unable to go out on campaign. Returning a Fleet to the Headquarters or their deployed structure, and manufacturing components are not affected by Stamina.

A Commander’s Stamina can only be restored nauturally over time at a rate of 20 Stamina per hour (offline time inclusive). The upper limit for Stamina is 120 points.


Tap on the unit list on the right side of the main interface and select the target Fleet .

Tap “Home” button of the target Fleet to return the Fleet to the Headquarters.

Fleets can return to Headquarters at any time.

Returning Home does not consume Stamina.

Fleets that were sent from an Outpost or Neutral Shipyard will return to the Shipyard instead of the Headquarters when you tap Home. When they arrive at the Outpost or Shipyard, you can then tap “Home” again to send them back to the Headquarters.


All orders issued to the Fleet will consume 15 points of the Commander’s Stamina.

Deploy: Capacitor is consumed when moving to a destination.
Capture: Move to the destination and capture that Grid. You cannot capture your ally’s gried.
Recon: Conduct reconnaisance on a neutral Grid.
Mine: Action Points are consumed when Mining non-Level 0 Grids. The higher the level, the greater the yield.
Practice: An effective way to rapidly level up your Commanders.
Guard: Automatically attacks any enemy within range.
Retreat: Retreat the Fleet to its origin structure. The Fleet will avoid all battles while retreating.
Construct: To construct your personal structures.
Transfer: Deploying a Fleet to your Outpost of your Corporation’s Station or Stargate allows a Fleet to travel faster without consuming any Capacitor.
Rally: Corporation Officers are able to Rally corp members to a designated area. As a corp member, you can particiapte in the Rally and travel to the area quickly.

Combat introduction

In EVE Galaxy Conquest you’ll experience turn-based automatic combat. The Commander cooperates with Ships to act autonomously during combat based on the Talents assigned to them.

Creating Fleets with the right combination of Commanders and Ships is critical to winning.

Formation Counter

While the enemy’s Fleet Formation is countered by yours, your Commanders and Ships will deal 15% more damage and receive 15% less damage.

Encirclement counters Phalanx and Siege but is countered by Assault.
Phalanx counters Intercept and Siege but is countered by Encirclement.
Intercept counters Assault and Siege but is countered by Phalanx.
Assault counters Encirclement and Siege but is countered by Intercept.
Siege is countered by all other Formations but deals large amount of damage to structures.


Reconning is an effective way to improve your chances of victory and reduce your losses. Tap the Recon icon on the Grid select menu and after 4 seconds a Recon Fleet Info report will be available, which shows the enemy Ships and Modules, and Commanders and Talents, including their levels. It also recommends a minimum Fleet Power and Formation.

Battle Victory/Defeat

When the battle is over, whichever side has no Ship Squads left loses and the other side wins. The battle hits a draw if both sides have Ship Squads left. The next battle starts in 3 minutes. Both sides will automatically retreat if they have made 3 consecutive draws.

Damaged Ships

Ships destroyed in battle cannot be restored, but Ships damaged in battle can be restored automatically after the Fleet returns to Headquarters.


The Commander becomes injured if the Fleet has no Ship Squads left after the battle. The injured Commander cannot make more actions but to return to Headquarters.

Injured Commanders can only recover over time. It takes 6 mins to recover.

Military Exploits

Fight with enemy Fleets, gain Military Exploits based on the Ship loss you have dealt to enemy Fleets.

You can spend Military Exploits in Military Exploits Market to buy Resources and exclusive items.

The amount of acquired Military Exploits is a benchmark to measure your strength in each Season.



Commanders get EXP by Capturing Grids, engaging in Combat Simulation, Practicing, corp practicing, and combat against other Chief Commanders.

After reaching lv. 45 Commanders can only earn EXP from combat against other players.


You can Promote your Commanders by consuming Commander Files of that specific Commander. The Commander gets Talent points for every Promotion.


By consuming Relevant materials, Commanders evolve and unlock new Talents.


A Commander’s Tactics determines the Fleet’s damage resistance.

Offence determines the damage you can deal.

Data Rate determines the Commander’s sequence of actions during combat.

Command determines the Commander’s maximum number of Ships.


The Commander recovers 1 point of Stamina every 3 minutes, while each action consumes 15 points of Stamina.

Weapon Mastery

When the Formation Mastery of the Commander matches the Formation of the Fleet, you’ll get attribute bonus.

Commanders and Ships from the same faction will enjoy faction bonus that is provided by structures.

Some ships have a unique bonus if two specific Commanders are assigned to them. For example, the Scythe gains a Commander Data Rate of +10 and Ship Data Rate of +10 if Ameline and Karin are assigned to it.

You can see if a ship has such a unique bonus by tapping on the Ship description tab under the Rig fitting tab in the Ship setup window.

Talent Bar

Talent Bars can be unlocked by consuming Commander Files or Ship Blueprints. After reaching lv. 20, the Commander unlocks the ability to unlock the 3rd Talent Bar, which consumes a greater number of Commander Files or Ship Blueprints than the 2nd Talent Bar.

Talent Points

Commanders get Talent points from level-up and Promotion.


You can upgrade your Talent by consuming Talent points. The Talent bar of the next level can only be unlocked after assigning a certain number of Talent points. Some Talents require reaching a specific level of Commander Promotion to unlock.


High rarity Commanders can be obtained from Encoded Caches and have a greater pool of Talents to chose from, but also require a greater overal investment to fully Promote.



Ship HP determines the amount of damage that a Ship can withstand. Firepower determines its Offense, Armor determines its Damage Resistance and Data Rate determines its Action Order in combat. Ships Per Squad determines the number of Ships in a Squad.


Rarity 5 Ships have 4 Modules.
Rarity 4 Ships have 3 Modules.
Rarity 3 Ships have 2 Modules.
Rarity 2 Ships have 1 Module.

The initial Module is automatically unlocked and there is a material cost to unlock the rest of the Modules, if they are available to unlock. Once unlocked, the specified level in the corresponding technology must be reached before it takes effect.

Upgrade modules with ISK to increase their effectiveness in combat.


Weapon Effectiveness

Encirclement counters Phalanx and Siege but is countered by Assault.
Phalanx counters Intercept and Siege but is countered by Encirclement.
Intercept counters Assault and Siege but is countered by Phalanx.
Assault counters Encirclement and Siege but is countred by Intercept.
Disintegrator Turrets are effective against Non-Empire
Siege is countered by all other Formations.


Frigate: Frigates are the smallest and fastest Ships in New Eden. Frigates tend to be cheap and versatile, an excellent choice for new players to help them explore the universe.
Destroyer: Destroyers are bigger than Frigates and consequently pack more firepower.
Cruiser: Cruisers are bigger than Frigates and Destroyers but smaller than Battlecruisers and Battleships. It is the most popular and most versatile Ship in New Eden.
Battlecruiser: Battlecruiser-class Ships are between Battleships and Cruisers in size.
Battleship: Battleships are the largest non-capital Ships. They have excellent firepower and defense but are also more expensive.


High Rarity Ships can be found from Recruitment and on the Market.

Maximum Ships

Increases by constructing relevant structures.

Increased by levelling up Commanders.

Grid Linking

You can only capture Grids that are adjacent to you or your ally’s Grids . If the Grids you want to capture are not adjacent then, but are within 7 Grids of your or your ally’s Grids, you can auto-capture a path of Grids leading up to the desired Grid.

It is recommended to send your weaker Fleets to capture low level high-sec Grids for linking, thereby saving Stamina for your stronger Fleets.


Tap on the Map, or enter the coordinates and the cursor will appear at the location. You can tap “Go” in the lower right corner to jump to that location.

The tab on the left provides filtering options to display personal/Corporation Bookmarks, Corporation Rally Signals, Wars, Stations/Stargates and so on.

Locate Station

Sometimes you can become absorbed in browsing the Star Map and lose track of your Headquarters. Simply switch to the Tags tab in the upper right corner and tap on your Headquarters tag. Then, the camera will be reset.

Beacon Line

The Beacon line provides a route that connects the Station and the Stargate by only using level 0 Grids. It saves a lot of effort to create a route to the Station/Stargate along the Beacon line.


Tap Map on the main screen to view Stations on the Map.

Only Corporations can capture Stations. Stations are defended by powerful Fleets and require coordinated efforts with other Corporation members to defeat.

In addition to get siege Rewards by capturing a Station, you can also increase the cap of corp members and increase resource production to all corp members.


Stargates are transportation hubs connecting Systems, Constellations, and Regions. To go from one area to an adjacent area, you must pass through a specific star gate.

Only Corporations can capture Citadels. Citadels are defended by powerful Fleets and require coordinated efforts with other Corporation members to defeat.

In addition to capture Rewards, capturing Stargates grants access to adjacent areas.

Introduction to Corporation

Together with your Corporation you can experience epic space battles and set out to conquer New Eden.

Corp members are valuable allies to conquer space and defend against enemy invasions. You can link your Grids with each other for convenient attack and defense endeavors.

Galactic Legend Rewards, Season Rewards and Station/Stargate capturing Rewardsare all granted based on Corporation performance.

The benefits of joining a Corporation

Get Resource production buffs.

Earn Nova Kredits by capturing Stations and Stargates.

You can capture Grids that are adjacent to your corp member’s Grids.

While in a Corporation you can capture Grids together and find allies to tackle even greater challenges.

You can capture the Singularity Institute with your corp to get bountiful Rewards.

Corporation Contributioin

Your contribution to the Corporation will upgrade its corp level.

Corporation contribution can be earned form capturing or practicing on high-sec Grids, fighting with other players, or making donations to the corp.

Corporation Siege

Capturing Stations is a fundamental Corporation gameplay in EVE Galaxy Conquest.

The Corporation acquires soverignty of the System after capturing the Station.

The Corporation earns eason points after capturing the Station. You can earn more Season points by capturing high-level Stations in Low Security Regions.

The Corporation who has captured the lv. 10 Station “Singularity Institute” and holds it until the end of the Season will win the ultimate victory of the Season and earns Season Rewards!

How to capture Stations:

View Stations in current Regioin from top left corner of the map.
Tap the Station to navigate to it’s location on the Map.
Tap “GO” to navigate to the Station.

How to Rally for Station siege:

Capture surrounding Grids of the Station and tap Rally.
Call for corp members to send their Fleets to the Rally area, with Autoi AI enabled and both Escort Siege and Garrison Siege checked.
Select the Station and choose Escort Siege or Garrison Siege. Fleets of your corp members will siege automatically, regardless of whetehr they are online or not.
The Corporation which has reduced the HP of the Station to 0 will capture the Station.

Rewards for capturing Stations

When a Station is captured for the 1st time, all corp members will be rewarded.
Get Rewards by completing Missions of capturing Stations in Season Missions or Porgression Plan.
Participate in completing Missions of Sieging Force for the Coirporation to get more Rewards.
The quicker your Corporation captures a Stargate in Stargate Control, the more Rewards your corp members will get.
Win deluxe Rewards at the end of the Season by completing Season goals together with your Corporation.
Increase corp Resource bonus and corp member limit by capturing a Station.

Corporation Rally

All players in the Corporation can see the Rally signals it issues. The purpose of the Rally is to gather Corporation member player Fleets together to complete the Corporation’s strategic goals.

The center point where the Rally signal is issued is key to whether the Rally is suspended. Once the center point is captured, the assembly signal will be terminated.

Responding to the Rally signal is a crucial step in participating in the Rally. You can choose to automatically construct Outposts which are automatically constructed within Rally range so that you can quickly arrive at the Rally point.

The Purpose of the Galactic Legend

Progress through the game and unlock special Season features.

To be a Galactic Legend

Complete Galactic Legend Goals.

Season Rewards

At the end of the Season you will get Season Rewards based on your and your Corporation’s performance.

Season Rewards are divided into two parts. The first is determined by the Stations/Stargates captured by your Corporation, while the second is determined by the achievement points you earned from that Season.

At the end of the Season, the corresponding Rewards will be issued base on the headquarters level and what the Corporation has captured. Rewards cannot be obtained when the headquarters below lvl. 10. When you headquarters reaches lvl. 10, leveled Rewards will be issued based on the number of Statioins/Stargates captured by the Corporation and your corp role.


By attacking another Chief Commander’s Headquarters and lowering its HP to 0, the previous owner will become a captive of the Corporation which the Chief Commander who made the final blow belongs to.

How to escape

Pay the ransom: The captive player can opt to pay Resources to the capturing Corporation in order to purchase their freedom.
Rescue: A captive player can be rescued by their corp members or allied corp members.
Restart: By restarting you will lose your territory Grids and Corporation membership.

Defense Center

Activate Shield

Activating Shield for your Headquarters will make your Headquarters invulnerable and unable to be captured or attacked for a period of time.

Activating your Station’s Shield requires 2.5 hours to prepare.

After successfully activating your Shield, your Headquarters will become invulnerable and cannot be attacked or captured for a period of time. All of your Fleets will automatically Retreat upon shield activation and unable to take offensive action during the duration of the Shield. Your corp members can still guard your Headquarters.


You can Relocate your Headquarters to a designated location.

Capture an empty Grid with six adjacent empty Grids, then build a Homebase Gantry on the center Grid.


Evacuate: After evacuation, the player will respawn at a random point in the player’s Spawn Area.
Start Anew: Start Anew allows to change your starting location and also change your Empire.

Season Rules

Generally, a Season can be divided into a few periods, namely In-Season, Settlement Forecast, Settlement, and Post-Season.

In-Season: you play to pursue the Season goals by strengthening your power and joining Corporation warfare.
Settlement Forecast: the Season is about to enter settlement. You can make your last attempts to your Season goals.
Settlement: your ranking of the Season is settles and the Rewards will be sent via mail at the beginning of the next Season.
Post-Season: the server merge list will be announced.

Server Merging Rules

Upon start of a new Season, your server will be merged with a few other servers to form a new server for the Season to start with.

If you have characters on both merged servers, all your characters will be kept on the new serever without any loss.

If you have multiple characters on the new server, you need to chooose the character you want to play with every time you login to the game.

If you have multiple characters in the same account but are on different servers, your characters could possible be merged to different new servers.

Settlement rules

Settlement happens at the end of the Season. The exact Settlement time will be announced in advance.

Your ranking and Rewards will be settled when the time comes, your game behavior after the Settlement will not change any of the Settlement results.

The Settlement time will be announced at the end of the Season rather than beginning of the Season.

The ranking Rewards will be sent via mail at the beginning of the next Season. The corresponding Rewards of different Season goals can be viewed in Season Rewards.

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